Layers Upon Layers
BY: Ron Brown
So many are the layers of me. Some scared from unguided pathways, with preconceived notions of what caused the scar or bruise and avoiding pathways that could be innocent and helpful. Sub-dermal layers waiting for their turn to rise to the surface. How often do we unconsciously allow the past bumps and bruises hinder our pathways without proper meditational focus of truth.
BY: Ron Brown
So many are the layers of me. Some scared from unguided pathways, with preconceived notions of what caused the scar or bruise and avoiding pathways that could be innocent and helpful. Sub-dermal layers waiting for their turn to rise to the surface. How often do we unconsciously allow the past bumps and bruises hinder our pathways without proper meditational focus of truth.
Perhaps the bruise was a lesson and the reason we keep running into an obstacle is not that it should be avoided to not be hurt, but instead by being observant and see what draws you to this immovable object can reveal so very much about the echoes of past limited beliefs that if not overcome – there is no way you can reach your destination.
Many are the layers and thankful am I for each scratch, bruise and cut and how it heals the me inside. So blessed is the pathways of the individual who hears the song of the embryonic writings upon the walls of our being that have sung before I drew my first breath. How sweet the joy when the song harmonizes with my desire.
Long may the healing continue until the dawn of destination gives birth to an even further clear vision to find and grow toward. You do have a purpose no matter how bruised, hurt, scared or down you might feel. Find the blessing in the lesson and heal baby heal. Let the layers unfold the mysteries that are never intended to be hidden but revealed. The joy of moving past them with an a-ha moment of clarity. For it strengthens my very fiber of my being.
It is truly the only way to BE Truly Well. Namaste’ my friend, let the true healing begin.