Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Did I Get Here? It’s ‘A-PParent”

How Did I get Here? - It's "A-PParent" BY: Ron Brown 
May 11, 2011

Firmly grasping the wheel when the mind is full of many things often takes us in the wrong direction.  But there is a special life lesson that you may have experienced a few times and if not I suggest you try it. On occasion I found myself full of one meditational thought that when I got in my car it was still flowing in my conscious mind.  Thinking while driving not in a distracted way but if anything in a mentally clear way.  Then periodically prompted to look to the left or right.  Perhaps to turn a different way than normal which lets you see a tree or even a beautiful blossoming flower in the center lane. And still an even greater blessing is when you drive down the same road you always travel but with the focused connection of desire with destiny you see a sign, building or even how a road bends.  Suddenly a tingle of insight comes to you. Yes, the “ah-ha” moment that suddenly brings you one layer closer to the vibrational harmony with the embryonic writings upon our very being light up with validation. What a blessing it is when this happens.   

But, how does one get here?  Is it planned, but how can it be? I like to think of the universe as a patiently caring parent working with a child to get them to grow up.  It starts with learning speech like “ma-ma” and “da-da” and evolves to crawling, then walking and potty training and so on throughout childhood.  Would the child learn all these things in a single day, absolutely not.  The universe is like a knowing parent who constantly introduces things to a child and when they don’t quite get it, they keep trying new ways to get them to succeed.

How lovingly patient the parent is with the child and the universe is with us introducing things repeatedly until we catch on to the life lesson bringing us closer to the embryonic writings of purpose etched on our very being before we took our first breath.  As we align and center our lives in line and light with our destiny.  Just like a parent clapping their hands when the baby takes its first steps, so does the vibrational validation let us know and feel that we are in the flow.  Now parents don’t keep clapping their hands as the child walks because that would be silly.  So too the universe prepares the “what is next validation” like a parent starts introducing the next phase in a child’s life.  How we continue to find our life’s mission one phase and step at a time. 

Those who do not know how to look within to look without never learn how to walk and their lives are simply crawling around on the floor of their universe when we all were designed to flourish and thrive in connection with the many things we are here to complete. 

So, it is “A-PParent” what the universe wants to do in your life, are you willing and ready, then bring the faith of a child and yield and listen to the universe so you can “BE Truly Well. Namaste’

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