Sunday, May 8, 2011

Transformation Timing is Everything

Transformation Timing is Everything
BY: Ron Brown

Whispers from within call out from the subconscious mind longing for connection to the divine-self. The writings engraved upon your very being before you took your first breath call out to you.  Tears not from your eyes but within waiting for you to listen and hear the true beauty and destiny you were created to fulfill.
Sometimes the whispers are going unanswered and the tears within form a river with its turbulence ignored. Then the eyes are instructed to connect the firing neurons of ah-ha. But still you listen not.  Longing to be heard the universe wanting only to take you in the right direction will allow you to experience a jolt from without. When it happens you notice a few minutes of slow motion silence.  Some shake their fist at the sky curing God for making them go through the moment of such despair. 

Having been there before I can tell you that when you are brought down on your back it is easy to see the way up. Often reflection months later will have us even say “how blind I was before but now I see” when we see the master plan and just how unwilling to listen we were before the situation.

 I have asked the universe to have me listen to the whispers so that I am always residing in the flow of the universe for always.  The weekend I wrote about with “Roulette -- Black All of it. A Lesson on Being Centered” was such a blessing to my path.  May I and you always listen to the powerful universal truth encoded within all the days of our life.

There is a transformation which can take place at any time when you find the power of connection to the unconditional love and understanding waiting within to guide you to your true life purpose.

Transformation doesn’t require transportation.
Transformation doesn’t require aspiration.
Transformation doesn’t require perspiration.
Transformation doesn’t require retaliation.
Transformation only asks us to look within for action and inspiration.

Faith without works is dead as the New Testament. Action in the direction of instruction is required to connect the internal, mental and physical powers to be in perpetual motion towards your destination.

So, what will it take to transform your life?  This Water Crystal picture is when the right focused intent was prayed over it before it was frozen.  How perfect and beautiful it is but the design was conceived within the mind before it was frozen.  The power of intent, the vibrational flow can create the destiny results.

Start today making the perfect transformation of your life and BE Truly Well.

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