Monday, March 28, 2011

Layers  Upon Layers
BY: Ron Brown

So many are the layers of me. Some scared from unguided pathways, with preconceived notions of what caused the scar or bruise and avoiding pathways that could be innocent and helpful.  Sub-dermal layers waiting for their turn to rise to the surface.  How often do we unconsciously allow the past bumps and bruises hinder our pathways without proper meditational focus of truth.  

Perhaps the bruise was a lesson and the reason we keep running into an obstacle is not that it should be avoided to not be hurt, but instead by  being observant and see what draws you to this immovable object can reveal so very much about the echoes of past limited beliefs that if not overcome – there is no way you can reach your destination.

Many are the layers and thankful am I for each scratch, bruise and cut and how it heals the me inside. So blessed is the pathways of the individual who hears the song of the embryonic writings upon the walls of our being that have sung before I drew my first breath.  How sweet the joy when the song harmonizes with my desire. 

Long may the healing continue until the dawn of destination gives birth to an even further clear vision to find and grow toward. You do have a purpose no matter how bruised, hurt, scared or down you might feel.  Find the blessing in the lesson and heal baby heal.  Let the layers unfold the mysteries that are never intended to be hidden but revealed.  The joy of moving past them with an a-ha moment of clarity. For it strengthens my very fiber of my being. 

It is truly the only way to BE Truly Well. Namaste’ my friend, let the true healing begin.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Be Not  a Blooming Cactus
BY: Ron Brown

How beautiful is your bloom that comes from what is deep inside you. It flourishes in the light of day drawling many to the true substance of the created and visible to the world. But sadly any who come close hurt by your defenses. 

Be Not like the Blooming Cactus. Let down the defenses so that your harvest can grow uninhibited and supported by who the universe calls to be there for you.  Let not your mind say no one gets me if you don’t let them get close enough to share your visualization and the magic of you.

Always BE Truly Well and blossom and punish not.  The only guard you need is your definite of purpose and the rest will take care of itself.   

Grow baby grow and be in the community of your visualized destination.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Being Truly Well: Taste Life

Being Truly Well: Taste Life: "It is good to taste the flavor of life. Savory and sweet titillates the tongue with delight. Sometimes dwelling on a taste can numb the se..."

Taste Life

It is good to taste the flavor of life. Savory and sweet titillates the tongue with delight. Sometimes dwelling on a taste can numb the senses to new experiences and even the ability to visualize the tastes of your destination. 

So Taste, Enjoy but also imagine what your destination tastes would be like. Make the mind to long for that and watch the magic happen. 

But always BE Truly Well.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hide Not in the Shadows of You

 The sun's heat warms the skin like a kiss from the universe. But look within to warm the spirit in connection with the driving force that is you. (Ron Brown 3/12/2011)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Damn You Life

Damn You Life
BY: Ron Brown
When sadness slightly below the surface haunts, the real you that none can see is drowning by the haze.  Release the flow not in self-pity but through meditational reality of what just past the rainstorm hold in a beautiful truth in the stretched rainbow and glimmering destination just past the current horizon. So let all thoughts of not enough, and past regret, lay down the ocean of emotions and break the dam of imposed doubts and echoed self-talk from ghosts long since buried.   The weight of it all longing to be free.
Today no longer settling for the shriveling feeling of fear, break I free.  Now instead of stagnation, in my mind’s eye see I the path with vigor and bliss is it found.  No longer a prisoner of past held back by dam walls of man and my own creation but free to live. 

Think on these things.  Embrace your life.   
And “Damn it!”- break free from your Dam today.