Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lashing Out from the Volcano of Self

Don’t let the heat of the moment bring forth words you surely don’t mean. How many times have we said “F**k You!” to a person who we surely would not want to engage in sexual intercourse? I know it sounds silly but think about that. We also when we get hurt shout out “Jesus Christ” – Are we praying or blaming him for the pain? – Often it is the least religious of us or even Atheists who say it. Does this mean that they are not Atheists any longer? Hardly. 

But now let’s scratch deeper along this same thought process. How often do we in the heat of anger say things to people we care about that is directly opposite and even hurtful. How can someone who loves their spouse or lover say in the heat of an argument “I hate you”, “Your worthless”, “I wish I never met you”.

Remember no matter how much you make up later, if these words bubbled up from the heat of anger they might forgive you but do they forget?

I propose that we truly look at the people we have in our lives. Meditate on them – Think of all the ways we feel about them.  IF there is even a hint of them draining us in a negative way, you need to focus on this particular area and re-evaluate it.  Why do I feel this way? Is it because I don’t understand why they do this or that? Or is it because I’m afraid that if they do well in this area they might leave me? Or is it jealousy? 

How I wish that we would care enough about the people in our lives to love them enough to truly pre-emptively determine any possible bump in the road and deal with the root cause.  After all if you plant a beautiful tree along the side of a road that gets paved, sooner or later that same tree you love will cause the pavement to crack with its root system from underneath.  -  Who is to blame the tree or the person who paved a road so close to it?  Think on these things.

IF you love someone, truly in your life, you will invest the time in pre-emptively evaluate areas to love them flaws and all.  IF you let things wait till the pavement of time cracks the relationship it might prevent a repair without causing irreparable damage to the tree or even us as the road.

Think on these things my friends – for those you truly love and for yourselves so you can BE Truly Well.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Have My Attention... I am Listening Now

You have my attention. I am listening.

(Sometimes our life’s GPS needs to shout before we realize that in order to get in the universal vibrational truth).

Sometimes it takes a pot hole to make us alert to corrective action and returning to the flow. Thank you so much for the potential of destinational bliss even on the darkest part of the night.

I know that if I follow that the blessed sunrise will shed a light of validation and illuminate the highway signs of truth. How perfect is your way and how wondrous your faithfulness even when I don’t know I lost my way.  

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today I open a window of action, absorb the air of possibility, and exhale apprehension. Today is my opportunity to move forward instead of letting life happen.  

(Ron Brown 8/11/11)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Take Stock in Yourself

Value, like the stock market is an investment that cannot be taken for granted. Like a sudden storm – only the well-built shelter of esteem built with daily meditation can sustain you through the most roughest of storms. The only investment that can be lost is one not nurtured.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Softest Sound... Most Impact

"The softest sound with the most impact is a tear shed alone from the heart of realization -- Thus awakening can begin."
Ron Brown - August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

On Your Mark - Get Set

Starter pistol triggered, lunging forth from the starters blocks plunging into the watery lane set before your path.  The glide propelling you forward in the flow and rising forward with arms extended to enact a well-rehearsed stroke.  The movement is smooth and refined.  The flip turn offering a chance to intuitively change direction on track with a power boost of inspiration taking seconds off your prior record.  With each lap the crowd cheering on their own contender is muffled by focused efforts being carried out. Touching the tiles of victory on the wall of destination.  So too is our individual journey in life’s match. 

Some might cause a false start before the starter’s pistol even commands. So too are those who venture forth daily without first going within to connect with universal truth in preparation to know the perfect timing. There you see the entire race in the mind’s eye and a victorious arrival at the final wall of destination.

Others plunge too deep more than forward which prevents the forward glide intended to launch the destiny into action.  So too are those who focus on getting started without a real destiny in mind and get weighted down by the force of the depths rather than the propelling majesty of the start. One must see past the start and stay focused on what lays before them.

The strokes taking them across the pool of destiny must keep its pace to take advantage of the flow of truth.  Taking the breathes of refreshing energy at the right time is key to maintaining the perfect glide path.  Moving the head too far out of the water disrupts the velocity achieved and slowly pulls you back from contention.

The opportunity of the flip turn is one that can make or break a swimmers race.  Some propel to close to the wall causing a crashing rub against the wall itself and limited push even sometimes askew caused unexpected course correction.  Others flip too early and barely touch the wall with their feet loosing much needed validation boost to their next lap.  But some focused and energized by their desire for the finish line from repeated visualization of how it felt know and have taken steps of each process hit their mark perfectly pushing them ever so much closer to their universal truth.

With each lap, we all make mistakes and even fall back in the race with missteps but there is no looser unless you stop racing.  “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” 1 Corinthians 9:24.   Note you must “run that ye may obtain”.  It is important to keep going with mistakes and all.  YOU can always shave off time with each lap. Having been a swimmer on my high school swim team – I loved the race – The best I ever came in was 4th place but I kept swimming for the love of the race.  It is not an Olympic task we seek but a destination of our true intent and desire. Universal Truth is our glide path and trueness to ourselves is our course correction. SO, what are you waiting for?  Put on that Speedo, dawn the goggles and step up to the starting block.

I’ll be cheering you on so you too can BE Truly Well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Your Essence

When I close my eyes I can almost take in your essence. How I adore your sweet nectar and titillating effect upon me.  You lead me on in vibrational truth, drawing me into the flow of your perfect way. Thank you universal truth your love sustains and strengthens me. And I know what I see in my mind’s eye will be reality. 

Ron Brown - August 3rd, 2011