Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cleanse from Me

 Cleanse from Me
Written by: Ron Brown
Photo by: Keith Davenport

The world would soil my feathers with elements of corruption. Cleanse from me my imperfections. My temple within filled with hallow hollow halls  hindered by the outer appearance that the world places upon my experience. My feathers stained, my coat imperfect it is easy to become less then confident. Yet here I am perched upon the pathway my embryonic writings tells me I should be on.  How I feel within the harmony of where I am migrating to be seeing myself already there I fly with confidence. Yet a stain upon my breast shows to the world. How can I be what I am meant to be and hear within the hallowed halls of the divine. My soul sings with perfect harmony yet there is a stain upon my feathers.

Then with confidence my fellow travelers perched upon this rock with me tell me that if I had not dared to travel a straight path to my desire I would not have the soil upon my frame. I had perceived myself less then perfect when in fact my coat of feathers is a badge of honor. My less then perfect white is only a signpost of how far I have come.  I am limited to arrive on time to my destiny by the perception of my doubts.  Then with power and confidence said I to those who stood upon my rest stop that was their launching point to begin. Brothers and Sisters, let us spread our wings and dare to soar where our heart beats in harmony with the divine.  Let us take flight today, and sync our GPS with our navigational embryonic writings placed there before we hatched from our egg shell.

Come soar in your own perfect pathway for I am marked with honor from the pathways that held me bound and I am free to arrive on time, how the food is ready at my banquet table in my destination nest. My perfect home awaits with life that I desire and was board to be living beckons me onward with each flap of my wingspan. So brothers and sisters stay not upon the rough rock of this cliff but dare to soar. Yes, BE Truly Well.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today I Take My Life - Don't Try to Talk Me Out of It

Today I Take My Life
Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

Today I take my life. For too long I had dwelt in the burden of life. It has been more than I can take. All of the doubts, fears and burden of my load have done me in for good. So today, I have decided to take my life. Don’t try to talk me out of it for I truly have had enough. I know you say, but you have so much to live for and be in life. But you’re wrong. That would be too much for me to take upon myself.

I can’t take it any longer. Not one more minute. All the pressure of living up to others expectations and falling short. The many voices of the past have held me down for too long. So today I choose to take my own life.

Oh the weight upon me and the load was all too much to bare and now it is too late for me. So I choose to take my own life.

Yes, I choose to take my own life not is suicide but empowerment. I choose to take my own life in perfect harmony with the embryonic writings placed upon my very being before I drew my first breath has been silent waiting for my connection. So today I listen, I reflect within the divine self in perfect communion. The hallow halls give me what I require to break the bonds of vocal past chains.  

No longer will I be trapped by the limits placed upon my being. For today, yes today I take my own life in to my hands.  My destiny and destination are totally within my own control. I settle for nothing but desire for my embryonic mission to be aligned with my true desire and transform want to accomplishment.  I take my own life for I deserve to do so and know that lack is replaced by achievement. For I taste the meal upon the table of my destination with mouthwatering reality though the meal itself is in my mind.  I can smell the feast; I feel it in my hands and savor its truly amazing flavor. No not literal food do I speak but the sweet taste of my life’s mission as reality in my minds’ eye.

How I let my life happen but today, yes today I choose to take my own life. I am and will from this very moment forward “BE Truly Well.”

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Powerful the Passion

"Powerful the Passion"
Written by: Ron Brown  Photos by: Keith Davenport

Standing on the shores of shifting sands it is easy to be caught up in the tides of life. Feeling the sands being pulled from underneath my feet, I can feel the pull of the universe.  How majestic is its pull urging me to take another step.

My minds eye seeing what lay just beyond the horizon the next step is gladly taken closer to what I confidently know lay just past the visible pathway.  How the tingle of the wind reminds me of what I know sweetly dancing in perfect harmony with the embryonic writings upon my being.  How the connection to my own unique gifts, talents and mission light up my life with such deep passion.

The powerful pull of its magic moves me onward to the glistening sparkle of what I know with confidence but have yet to experience but in my vividly vibrating consciousness.  Welling with emotions of such passion fill each of my senses of experience yet to be hold I touch the goodness, taste the flavor of achievement and smell the victorious bliss of the finish line.  The starters pistol just fired but I am there already breaking the winners tape of my destination.

How perfect the sensation of the pathway journeys end. Delightful is the reality of this vision. I know with confidence that it lay just slightly past the next bend and no trepidation shall hold me back from the taste of sweet pleasure longing for my arrival.

It is the humming of my unique tune light up like the lyrics of a karaoke screen as my conscious waltzes with my sub-conscious longing in a perfect flow.

How I see its pleasure and power. How I truly feel the powerful passion with each step and beat of the music.

Find your desire, your passion created and written upon the embryonic walls before you drew your first breath.  Let not any limiting beliefs hold you from this gift the universe is waiting for you to tap into and command.  No stronghold can hold you back unless you give it that power.  It matters not your location, condition for I am morbidly obese and am seeing myself thin with action desire to bring me there.  It matters not your financial condition for economy will always be a roller coaster.  It even matters not your past sins nor victimization for that can only hold you down if you hold on to it.  Grow not weary any longer from the battle with limiting beliefs for they only are tied to you by your own allowance.

You have such deep passionate power within you waiting to be tapped in to and experienced. Always BE Truly Well.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Paused at a Stop Light"

Paused at a Stop Light
Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

There are times in our lives when we get paused for a few minutes like in our cars at a stop light.  It is in those idle minutes that some interesting thoughts go through our heads.  Some choose to yell and scream at the car in front of us for not going faster or just going fast enough that they made the light and you didn't. 

Some turn those minutes in to their hair salons to fix their hair or even put on make up.  But there is yet another use for this time. Some dwell on what awaits them at the office when they arrive for the day or flash back to an verbal spat they had before left the house this morning. Yet still there is those who see this few minutes to sing along with a CD in the car and even chuckle under their breath with a grin of such amazing connection to the universe.  

These idle minutes we find ourselves with are truly treasure spots for a flash of our potential and destination.  These jewels of time are excellent ways to light up and align in harmony with the a meditation flash of ourselves already experiencing the fullness of our aspirations in those precious moments of time.  For me it is the perfect bloom of the purple flower between the lanes of the highway. This weed mowed down by highwaymen brings me such joy.  The amazing renewed unstoppable power of intent of that blossom that in less then two weeks reappears and not only says "I'm still here" but raises to fullness even more beautiful then ever. So is the power of our intent, the fullness of our desire from within the divine self and the magnet pull to bring us ever closer to to fulfillment.

So next time you find yourself paused at a stop light consider the blessing in these precious moments that empower much versus minutes of dis-empowerment.   For it is not the amount of lights along your journey that makes you late but what you do with them that makes the journey productive.  Ultimately you can choose to control your destiny or be controlled by your burden.

As for me, I am the captain of my vessel in full communication with my potential aligned perfectly with pathways from the universal embryonic writings etched upon my being before I drew my first breath. So I know with certainty that I am already Truly Well even paused at a stop light of life. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Walking Along the Land of Hallow Hollow Halls"

There is a place so dear and powerful that when I go there it humbles, uplifts, nourishes, comforts, inspires, heals, motivates, validates and recharges my life.  No there is no steeple a top nor symbols developed by man atop this special place.  I try to get there as often as I can and time there truly is not on a paced clock. For a life time passes here in but a moment just outside these hallowed hollow halls.

Sweet is the communion in this place where only the divine speaks to me. No preacher or guru do I find there.  Just connection to the real divine in the universe. How I suckle upon the breast of its wisdom like a child feeding from his mother. The flow is life giving and complete there.

There is no other vocalists wearing robes yet in this special place I hear such touching harmony and melody at times that it shakes me to the core of my existence. I have never heard such talent in their regaling tones.

I hope in your life time you find your way there. Let me give you the directions to this place. It requires a willing passport with consent to be allowed to enter this land. It requires clearance of many security checks to even be permitted just to enter the truly hallowed halls with perfect pitch from the hallow design of this special place.

Many pass the entrance each day and never negotiate the turns to find these special place. How I was amazed the first time I stumbled upon it.  I fell to my knees with humility in this place.   The truths upon the walls was so raw, real and yet exactly what I needed to hear, see, touch, taste and even the very smell overwhelmed my senses.

It took a move for me to even find this place and a long subtle yearning opened my eyes to the signage that had been there all along. Yet on one very special day I clearly found its entrance. I so want you to find this place for it has such deep meaning to all who find it. You should know that it is not a cult, nor religion of men but simply such truth is found only there.
Would you like to go there?  It requires you sacrifice self and be open to all it has to offer. But I promise you once you go there, if you are open to what it has to offer, your life will never ever be the same again.

The location of this special place is the divine self within each of us. It requires open eyes just to find the off ramp from the highway of the everyday and you must slow down in order to successfully navigate the turn off the speeding road. Once you pull into this very desolate still place, you must be ready to open the doors. They require a you to go through customs where all your baggage is examined carefully. If you unjustly held on to something that was unjustly packed upon your load, it must be invalidated before you can enter this truly hallow place. The inspector will ask you to hold up each piece of your baggage and see if it contains truth or if in some way it has held you down.  The inspection process is a whispers station that you may have heard me speak about before.  Each invalidated item must be replaced with empowering truth of the person seeking access.  You can't bring a friend here for only you and the inspector can go through this process. It is kind of funny but the inspector reminded me of someone I knew. As each item is whispered into newness the inspector is a true reflection of the you that was meant to be. Tears will flow in this weighing station that isn't even inside the hallowed halls.

Once you complete this process you will place on your frame a robe of potential and with unprotected feet you walk upon the pathway that is an entrance to this glorious place.  The doors open only when you are ready.  The sound of the melody tingles across your back and with each step you are asked to be open. The walls have such wondrous truth upon them obviously knowing the hidden truth of my life and purpose.  There are photos on the wall of the past and how experience is taking me to a new and painless place of joy. The letters light up as divine choirs regale a unique tune of the embryonic etchings placed here before I drew my first breath.  As I find my self before this truth I lay my knees upon a pillow of certainty.  The gentle breeze in these hallow hollow halls now filled with the wonders of me ask of me much.

A feathered quill and a tablet of potential are commissioned for only me here.  the plaque above the book says clearly some steps that must be followed.  I will share these steps to you in the days to come. But I promise you - this land of hallow hollow halls is awaiting your attention.  Is this a place that everyone should go? Yes.  Should everyone go there today? No, they must be ready and open to be ready to enter such truth.

Do you want to go there? I hope so, for it is truly the only place that will allow you to BE Truly Well.

Namaste' my friend in the truest sense of the meaning.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

“The Journey, Nay the Experience Along the Way”

“The Journey, Nay the Experience Along the Way”

Written by: Ron Brown Photos by Keith Davenport

So many have written and created catchy tunes regaling us with the joy of the open road. How perfect is an open highway with rapid movement to bring us to our destinations much more swiftly then generations past. Yet some of the most amazing journeys I have ever known in life started with the rest stops along the way. An encounter with a stranger on a bench at a rest stop which poured forth wisdom in a few minutes what was considered a pasting chat can impact our lives forever. Even a blossom growing between the directional lanes considered a weed by many can take our very breath away by its beauty.

It is very important to know where you are going in life and this you have heard me say that it is very important to vividly know the shape, form, taste, touch and feelings when we arrive at our destination.  Even as a child we imagined what it would be like when we got to our vacation destination. How stories from our parents of what we can expect when we got to this new destination allowed the true magical delight to dance in vivid day dreams even before the car was packed for the journey.

The anticipation chant that first is joyful “Are we there yet?” The parents replied, “Not yet” typically with a chuckle of knowing from the parents at first. Then as the sound of the children each time it is asked with doubts “Are we there yet?” and the parents – more snippy then before replies “No, now be quiet.”  But when we grow we remember only the trip and the destination.  But the real key in life is not the “Are we there yet?” but instead saying “I want to be there” as our embryonic writings upon our very being warming out vibrational bliss as the drive to head in the new direction excites our neurons with pure glee.  

But so many times it has been the bench on the side of the road where reflection, even a walk by a pond allow the reflection over what we have overcome and how valid our trip has gotten us this far.  But it is key not to enjoy the greenness of the comfortable grass and the joy like a child of "Are we there yet?" that keeps us in true bliss to continue the journey with baited anticipation of what lay down the road for us.  With knowing of the parent and yet the joy of the child move you onward. 

Let your mind dwell on how truly amazing the destination is like parents to children before the journey began but resist the temptation of grown impatient with your inner child's persistence to be "There yet.." for this is truly how the universe knows the power of your intent. It is the connection with the divine self and true vision of the embryonic writings upon our very being whispered there before we drew our first breath that leads us to the mission for our life. Many find it in their 40's, some from when they are but a child, but the important thing is not the chronology of our connection but what we do from that day forward.  

How beautiful the life with true purpose and the dance of the divine self. How amazing even the little steps are like a baby's first steps. How truly romantic like lovers first tender kiss. But lasting are the ways of the connected being when life is truly in sync with our mission and purpose finds a waltz of joy that never ends.

So "Are YOU there yet?" I hope you get in touch with the embryonic writings upon truth waiting to be discovered within. Only then can one BE Truly Well.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

“Embrace” Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

Standing in front of the mirror reflecting not on the obvious but seeing the perception of what has me bound tightly to the ground. Whispers like venomous snakes strike without warning. Sometimes their effect is so powerful that the infliction of the wound is not felt but the movement through the body with full effect is none the less victorious.

Shoulders slump almost in surrender of the condition and tingle not of joy shivers of hopelessness the only massage of that moment. How did I get to this careless state? From where is my hope, numb is the effect more powerful than the strongest Novocain. But have the same effect when it wears off from that reflection with throbbing, achiness like a root canal.

No hug from a lover can take away this condition, nor can drowning the voices with a loud TV in a dark room, nor lulling it with booze or drug. For no inhale can make this go away, nor can positioning myself as right over anyone.

That was my existence for all too many years and my body showed the results of my own treatment. But then one amazing day, I heard the most amazing truth from within. Pure divine love being played from the embryonic writings upon my very being so amazing tears streamed from my face. Each of the entrapments that had held me snuggly to the perception I let interpret my perfect reflection in the mirror. Suddenly each and every bond loosened its hold upon my potential. As the waves of joyful sounds filled the chambers of my heart and mind finally seeing the meaning and connecting lasting pathways of purpose. I cried out from within that the universe would use me to impart truth through me as a vessel to all. Many are the years that have passed since then and the strongholds have all been severed and died out like dead vines in a vacant garden.

There are lasting effects upon my being where self-abuse has taken its toll. Hundreds of pounds of flesh adorn my enlightened frame which is my primary focus to truly relinquishing the long dead pain of the past. As I take bold steps even this week to move away from the past, I embrace the inner me with the vision of my thin self I know I am. I see me there already, upon the shores of desirous state feeling my strong frame free from many years of selfless abandon. My embrace of self is filled with only love. When people look and see the outside, I see only me upon the shores of accomplishment. But there is great truth in the words "Faith without works is dead." As I wish not to be dead I am focused not only on shedding many pounds and building up the very core of my frame to be the testimony of my faith in action.

No matter what you allowed to happen to you, there is hope and recourse to make not only of your unlimited potential reality but true healing to the flesh.

As ALWAYS BE Truly Well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wade or Wait While You Weight Written by: Ron Brown

Photo by: Keith Davenport
Many are the hours, long is the time I tried like a mouse in a maze to find my way. Many are the alleys leading to deadens and retraced steps of my life. Long have a scurried across the sprinted ways that seemed to take me at last through this labyrinth called life. 

Hallowed echoes of past pains falsely influence the instincts of my GPS. Many are the dirt roads with potholed traps knocking me and shaking my suspension to the very core of my existence.     

How heavy was the load I bore upon the weight of my frame unjustly contorted emotionally by the structure of my being. I was sinking in the very stream of emotions that I played in as a child. 

Then I found a passing raft of hope which held strong ropes along its side. Knowing this was my rescue I took hold. I could see me aboard this raft which would take me to the very shore of my surety. Yet still I was trapped by the weight of the silt trapped around my legs limiting my movement half from fear and half from past let downs. Yet within me I found the upper arm strength of my desire to have what I truly deserved. I could see me laughing along the shores of achievement, drinking the rich wine of my success and pulled my weight into the raft. I stared at the stars that had just come out as evening had arrived and still I could see clearly the writing in my being. It clearly was the embryonic writings with my own unique purpose and talents that I saw as I closed my eyes and traveled the quantum pathways as the lyrics became alive and moved through the flowing of my nervous system now renamed my possibility pathways. How I know most assuredly that my life now will never be the same. I have heard not the noise or consistent static any longer but it is the wonderful melody of my purpose in conjunction with the vivid vibrating desire of harmony. Never again will my life be the same. I see the shores so near at least around a bend or two but it is most assuredly as I see it and I will at last BE Truly Well.