Tuesday, August 24, 2010

“Embrace” Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

Standing in front of the mirror reflecting not on the obvious but seeing the perception of what has me bound tightly to the ground. Whispers like venomous snakes strike without warning. Sometimes their effect is so powerful that the infliction of the wound is not felt but the movement through the body with full effect is none the less victorious.

Shoulders slump almost in surrender of the condition and tingle not of joy shivers of hopelessness the only massage of that moment. How did I get to this careless state? From where is my hope, numb is the effect more powerful than the strongest Novocain. But have the same effect when it wears off from that reflection with throbbing, achiness like a root canal.

No hug from a lover can take away this condition, nor can drowning the voices with a loud TV in a dark room, nor lulling it with booze or drug. For no inhale can make this go away, nor can positioning myself as right over anyone.

That was my existence for all too many years and my body showed the results of my own treatment. But then one amazing day, I heard the most amazing truth from within. Pure divine love being played from the embryonic writings upon my very being so amazing tears streamed from my face. Each of the entrapments that had held me snuggly to the perception I let interpret my perfect reflection in the mirror. Suddenly each and every bond loosened its hold upon my potential. As the waves of joyful sounds filled the chambers of my heart and mind finally seeing the meaning and connecting lasting pathways of purpose. I cried out from within that the universe would use me to impart truth through me as a vessel to all. Many are the years that have passed since then and the strongholds have all been severed and died out like dead vines in a vacant garden.

There are lasting effects upon my being where self-abuse has taken its toll. Hundreds of pounds of flesh adorn my enlightened frame which is my primary focus to truly relinquishing the long dead pain of the past. As I take bold steps even this week to move away from the past, I embrace the inner me with the vision of my thin self I know I am. I see me there already, upon the shores of desirous state feeling my strong frame free from many years of selfless abandon. My embrace of self is filled with only love. When people look and see the outside, I see only me upon the shores of accomplishment. But there is great truth in the words "Faith without works is dead." As I wish not to be dead I am focused not only on shedding many pounds and building up the very core of my frame to be the testimony of my faith in action.

No matter what you allowed to happen to you, there is hope and recourse to make not only of your unlimited potential reality but true healing to the flesh.

As ALWAYS BE Truly Well.

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