Friday, August 27, 2010

"Paused at a Stop Light"

Paused at a Stop Light
Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

There are times in our lives when we get paused for a few minutes like in our cars at a stop light.  It is in those idle minutes that some interesting thoughts go through our heads.  Some choose to yell and scream at the car in front of us for not going faster or just going fast enough that they made the light and you didn't. 

Some turn those minutes in to their hair salons to fix their hair or even put on make up.  But there is yet another use for this time. Some dwell on what awaits them at the office when they arrive for the day or flash back to an verbal spat they had before left the house this morning. Yet still there is those who see this few minutes to sing along with a CD in the car and even chuckle under their breath with a grin of such amazing connection to the universe.  

These idle minutes we find ourselves with are truly treasure spots for a flash of our potential and destination.  These jewels of time are excellent ways to light up and align in harmony with the a meditation flash of ourselves already experiencing the fullness of our aspirations in those precious moments of time.  For me it is the perfect bloom of the purple flower between the lanes of the highway. This weed mowed down by highwaymen brings me such joy.  The amazing renewed unstoppable power of intent of that blossom that in less then two weeks reappears and not only says "I'm still here" but raises to fullness even more beautiful then ever. So is the power of our intent, the fullness of our desire from within the divine self and the magnet pull to bring us ever closer to to fulfillment.

So next time you find yourself paused at a stop light consider the blessing in these precious moments that empower much versus minutes of dis-empowerment.   For it is not the amount of lights along your journey that makes you late but what you do with them that makes the journey productive.  Ultimately you can choose to control your destiny or be controlled by your burden.

As for me, I am the captain of my vessel in full communication with my potential aligned perfectly with pathways from the universal embryonic writings etched upon my being before I drew my first breath. So I know with certainty that I am already Truly Well even paused at a stop light of life. 

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