Friday, May 6, 2011

Sometimes It Only Takes a Second to Change Your Life

Sometimes It Only Takes a Second to Change Your Life.
There are moments in our lives that can alter our direction forever.
Sometimes it starts with a smile from a stranger or a kind word that sparks a connection to another.
Sometimes it is a missed turn on the freeway of life that detours your same old commute to an unexpected and welcomed change.
Sometimes a sign or building on the road will catch our eye and invoke within an idea or confirm a thought pattern that has been rolling around in your head for weeks.

Sometimes we get a feeling of “Déjà vu” with a tingle of familiarity.
Sometimes you just wake up and every conversation that day lets you see the same old people in a new light.
You will know when it happens to you. Well sometimes the universe has it happen until you finally notice it. 
The “Ah-Ha” moment is when your subconscious mind penetrates the conscious morning fog that lay upon our everyday existence.
You can go through life and try to drowned out your destiny at every fired synapse call from the unconscious mind and even die without having fulfilled your purpose in life. But what a true tragedy that would be as each of us from the youngest and lowly by man’s standards has a perfectly crafted purpose to unfold and we all suffer by not seeing your piece of the puzzle unfold.

Maybe you are an enlightened soul who is awake and listening to every GPS call from the universe. If so I am glad, but it is our mission to help others to tune into their path so the true masterpiece can be brought together. 

Throughout history amazing things have been done when an “Ah-Ha” moment is realized by a second or third person who realizes their part in the purpose.  For example Christopher Columbus after investing untold time trying to convince people to sponsor his journey had to move to Spain where King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella funded his mission.  How did it happen?  Well when those around you don’t want to be part of your manifest destiny vision, you need to move to another place or country even in Columbus’ case. He knew that Spain lagged far behind Portugal in exploration of the Atlantic and how hostile the two countries were about this very issue.  But even though the hearts should have been open to fund his expedition in 1485 when he moved to Sevilla, due to fog issues in Spain that kept the King and Queen to fund him until consideration in 1491.  We hardly hear about his delay in history retelling but when you have a destiny within you, nothing should keep you from seeing it through. 

So what will be your second that will change your life forever? Perhaps it is to collaborate with someone like Columbus.  Imagine how we would have to change the rhyme “Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492” had King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella funded his vision in 1485 or would we have even had the same fame of Columbus had he just been another journey from his own country where he married his wife and started his family in Portugal.  Or worse yet, had he just settled down and raised his family in Portugal giving up on his destiny.

Do you see that you are just as important and ever equally important to the universe as we all are as Columbus was in his life. 

So, It only takes a second to change a life forever, but it is the passion and connection with your purpose that will not take NO for an answer.  So I say to you live a “Fabulously” enlightened life and let nothing keep you from connecting with the world you were created to explore and mission to sail. BE Truly Well.

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