Sunday, July 17, 2011

Toiled in Nature Effected by Man

Toiled in Nature
Effected by Man 
Written by: Ron Brown

Pushing through the soil of betwixt North and South bound lanes on life’s highway lay the most delicate blooming flowers. Not planted by man but born of weed’s seedlings.  Bursting open in summer with the fervor of a new born baby but with vibrant shades of purple and straw like arm petals stretching out for sun’s rays. Such wonder as it stands steadfast for all to see as they hurry to their destinations. Many see thy beauty but few appreciate your dance as the wind gently commands a dance of joy.   When drops of universal tears pour out nourishment from the clouds above sustenance is drawn in to your roots.

Unappreciated by caretakers who mow you down with the grass you are cut down before your time is through.   No one morns your loss.  But the foundation of the wonder you are commands your recreation to grow again. This desire from universal embryonic writing of its very being commands that it stretch forth again. 

How tragic, majestic and even poetic is your lifespan.  Even the winter that commands hibernation and recoiling to the very foundational roots can’t harm thee.  For during the winter of your retreat do you dream of springtime that beckons the call to being the wonderful recreation that only your mission can fulfill.

How we like weeds betwixt life’s highway must fulfill our embryonic truth written upon our very being before you took your first breath.   Even when others cut you to the core, you can come back stronger than ever to create what you are destined to become.  Some after being cut to the quick give up on their destiny, drowned in the nurturing rain of possibility and perceive it as overwhelming drowning doubts.  How tragic, that even the weeds of the highway are able to see possibility to bounce back better than ever and we with a universal truth encoded within are commanded to fulfill our destiny stay sidelined.

BE like the beautiful weeds in focus but travel down the highway forward toward your destiny so that you don’t get mowed down by stagnation. BE Truly Well, blossom, flourish and yield a harvest of blooms that give the most delightful fragrance that is your arrival at your destination.  Only you can allow yourself to stay focused from meditational vibrations of truth and carry you forward to your horizon of blissful destiny.

You are not Weeds, but learn from them and go forth down that highway having learned from the beautiful weeds that grow not at a rest stop by the lengths between. Rebound when cut to the core letting nothing stop them from their destiny.

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